

最近找到這二首經典金曲, 想同大家分享. 嘻嘻! 想知歌名及歌手, click入去聽吓米知咯.

6 則留言:

The Inner Space 說...




macy 說...


曲一: 我係粵語長片度聽番黎架, 以前好興咁改d外語流行曲.

曲二: 我好鍾意潘廸華姐姐 架.


梁巔巔 說...


尤其是曲一! Haaaaa! 鄧寄塵嘅配襯搶晒原主唱! 特別係 "La", 真係 "La" 得好抵死!

"You better come home, Speedy Gonzales
Away from tannery row
Stop alla your a-drinkin'
With that floozie named Flo
Come on home to your adobe
And slap some mud on the wall
The roof is leakin' like a strainer
There's loadsa roaches in the hall

Speedy Gonzales, why dontcha come home?
Speedy Gonzales, how come ya leave me all alone?

SPOKEN in a male Mexican accent: "Hey, Rosita-I hafta go shopping downtown
for my mudder-she needs some tortillas and chili peppers."

Your doggy's gonna have a puppy
And we're runnin' outta coke
No enchiladas in the icebox
And the television's broke
I saw some lipstick on your sweatshirt
I smelled some perfume in your ear
Well if you're gonna keep on messin'
Don't bring your business back a-here

Mmm, Speedy Gonzales, why dontcha come home?
Speedy Gonzales, how come ya leave me all alone?

SPOKEN in a male Mexican accent: "Hey, Rosita-come queek-down at the cantina
they giving green stamps with tequila!!"



梁巔巔 說...

聽吓聽吓, wow~~~~~ 呢個朝早好似番咗五, 六十年代~

xiao zhu 說...


macy 說...

xiao zhu
