

上一篇我引用了的圖片, 其實是從這個網站借來, 實在應該標明出處, 謹此致歉!

圖片裡的小女孩, 當時三歲, 她真的在哭, 請看附註內文:
"BEIRUT, LEBANON, July 16, 2006: After hiding in a bomb shelter for three days with her family in Beirut's Shiite neighborhood of Dahiya, 3-year-old Kawther's family fled to a government school in the Christian neighborhood of Achrafieh. Kawther cries at the shelter, wanting to return home to take a bath. Israel has warned all people dwelling in Southern Lebanon that it will step up its already fierce air assault on targets across the country, including civilian buildings and infrastructure thought to harbor Hezbollah fighters and supplies."

from http://www.digitaljournalist.org/

真實, 震撼!

2 則留言:

梁巔巔 說...

Macy, 多謝分享! ^^

macy 說...